Today's January 21st,2020 7
The Natai County situation situation has remained the exact paua and a new twin force of the Tni - Poli... 20207... is all toward the brute of the jungle in the forest every single point in place of 300 perseil in place in the place of the jungle of the jungle.
You're in the woods around the capital of the capital of a nunexal district attorney in multiple major operations in the center of the public village, which is:
Two times, I'm told
Three. I'm Ari the malignant victorious vicious
Four . mountains yosoma,
Five .Kalymeam
Six . The klife of ginid
Seven.Rock boundary
Eight .minem
Ten.You're washed up
Eleven. Hometown
Twelve. Almaster
After the grant of the ship and the rider of all the Tni - Poli organic troops have taken position on the outskirts of the suburban city district repossessed in all the jungle.
While tpnpb News monitors the development of regular cities, but at the kennel airport on the tightest surveillance on civic activities.
Ppled tppnpb in capital City County
Kenneyam reports a situation safe but the ninthamma community remains a Trauma Association of this last situation is not safe.
While the Tni - Poli troop was also the same in intricates a few
Counts in droping troops of the Tni - Poli organic organic are both well from land and unrivers occurring the same thing as in the nindugama region.
For the territorial region of the new army of the Tni - Poli organic organic, January 20th,2020,850 robes of Polar.
Lately, the situation of Papua returns to the arrival of the arrival of the warrior's arrival in large numbers if the safe taste is difficult in taste by civilians in Papua.
So the reports live from the field on Papua land
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