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Posted by : DADI WODE/DIMI MENETE on : Selasa, 17 Juli 2018 0 comments
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in 55 countries from the African Continent Urge AU [African Union] ..AU Immediately issue an Urgent Resolution for the Intervention to the territory of black people who have not been independent like west papua said PAN chairman.

in an interview last year they just said papua not alone! that is what can be described as the African Union's chairman of the PAN while on the strongest solidarity action coming from Africa to support West Papua as a sovereign nation.

And they have also supported Papuan independence through seminars and campaigns to expand support to the world. That West Papua is now in a genocide condition within the hands of the Indonesian military government.

That is why they are concerned and provide tremendous support for west Papua so that the people of Papua can be free from oppression, injustice, violence, intimidation, genocide, democracy, rape etc.
Not a lot of talk please see the photos below as evidence, what they have done to the land of Papua and people of Papua. (Free West Papua)

source : (free west papua )

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