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Posted by : DADI WODE/DIMI MENETE on : Rabu, 25 Mei 2016 0 comments
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Thank you so much #EmeleDuituturaga Support West Papua in Fiji.WEST PAPUA REPORT GIVEN TO BAN KI MOON AT SUMMIT OF HUMANITYUN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon was presented with West Papua Fact Finding Mission Report by the Executive Director of this PIANGO, EMELE Duituturaga.

Duituturaga presented a report to Ban during the day two of the World Humanitarian Summit in Istanbul, Turkey. The report was received by the Assistant Secretary-General for the United Nations.

Duituturaga captured handing over in a photo he said privileged to have a short conversation with Ban at the end of the summit.

This is done after the handover addressed Duituturaga World Humanitarian Summit plenary on the first day of the call for UN intervention on human rights violations in West Papua.

"PIANGO strong supporter of human rights-based approach and we are committed to uphold the norms that protect human beings, especially in relation to speak of violations of humanitarian law and international human rights," he said.

"In the Pacific, we have our share of conflict resulting humanitarian challenges. We commend closure Refugee camp Manus in Papua New Guinea, we are concerned about the conflict in the Nauru detention center and we call for UN intervention in human rights violations in West Papua."

"As a leading civil society organization, the Association of Pacific Islands for Non-Governmental Organizations (PIANGO), representing NGOs in 21 Pacific Island Countries and Territories, is committed to this agenda for Humanity."

"In the Pacific region where 80% of our population is rural-based, first and last response is always the local response and so we need to strengthen local leadership, strengthen community resilience and reprioritize localization assistance."

He said while the government remains the driver at the national level, community involvement is a lever."PIANGO committed to facilitate effective coordination of civil society organizations locally and nationally with a complimentary role international NGOs."

"We also expect our leaders to match ambition this agenda with national and strategies and mechanisms of local accountability for the implementation of inclusive and participatory, bringing all stakeholders together and at all levels - to include government, civil society, private sector, academia, MPs, local authorities, religious communities and UN agencies. "

The summit had 9000 participants from 173 countries, including 55 heads of state, private sector representatives and hundreds of thousands of people from civil society and non-governmental organizations ended yesterday.(*)

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