After pendoropan 1000 military personnel in nduga regency of December 24, 2015 until today May 23, 2016Military action by forcibly pressures done to the Community Ndugama
after arriving in nduga regency District Mbua do violence to the
communityWith a Master of some public facilities, namely the District Office
Mbua new one is not in recmikan by Regent Nduga with an open event but
now the Office of District Such so POS TNI
In the Month in May 2016 the first week one of the Church Kema Gospel Kingmi Papua in forced do paint the walls and zinc roofs with RED puti this is the case in the District Mbua nduga regency military who are serving there, the Coordinator of Regional Church Kema Ijil Kingmi Papua (GKIP) nduga regency White urged immediately replace ZAT the military but until now has not made the Churches permintahan party.
On May 17, 2016 in the District Mbua also military pressure on SocietyDuring the day around the clock 2, 30, arrived -Arrived all troops out of the mess in the TNI post with military equipment war position and they said no gunshots here and then they call the local Church and interrogation shop back and forth until they tell you all the fraudsters, so far you said no TPN / OPM new here is the sound of what ..?You Nduga society Kepalah you Ayers our assorted tripe you all pintahnya while lifting -angkat weapon / tool of the state to the local community
Then some intellectual stores trying meberikan to any misunderstanding or purposely done by the Armed Forces community kepda .and this community chose silenceThen sala one store Church once Store People say my life because bapak2 TNI if anyone who menjoroti or a lot of a lot of talk about Cet Red White against the tin roof of the Church that I would point to the military then you will be in the firing mop I will take advance of all you love what we eat. Pintahnya at the meeting of SocietyThis is the condition that the pressure Ndugama miter is happening.Reports from Papua Ndugama nap Walma.
In the Month in May 2016 the first week one of the Church Kema Gospel Kingmi Papua in forced do paint the walls and zinc roofs with RED puti this is the case in the District Mbua nduga regency military who are serving there, the Coordinator of Regional Church Kema Ijil Kingmi Papua (GKIP) nduga regency White urged immediately replace ZAT the military but until now has not made the Churches permintahan party.
On May 17, 2016 in the District Mbua also military pressure on SocietyDuring the day around the clock 2, 30, arrived -Arrived all troops out of the mess in the TNI post with military equipment war position and they said no gunshots here and then they call the local Church and interrogation shop back and forth until they tell you all the fraudsters, so far you said no TPN / OPM new here is the sound of what ..?You Nduga society Kepalah you Ayers our assorted tripe you all pintahnya while lifting -angkat weapon / tool of the state to the local community
Then some intellectual stores trying meberikan to any misunderstanding or purposely done by the Armed Forces community kepda .and this community chose silenceThen sala one store Church once Store People say my life because bapak2 TNI if anyone who menjoroti or a lot of a lot of talk about Cet Red White against the tin roof of the Church that I would point to the military then you will be in the firing mop I will take advance of all you love what we eat. Pintahnya at the meeting of SocietyThis is the condition that the pressure Ndugama miter is happening.Reports from Papua Ndugama nap Walma.
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