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TNI parade around the town of Wamena, public fear and terrorized

Posted by : DADI WODE/DIMI MENETE on : Selasa, 05 April 2016 0 comments
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TNI battalion Wimane Sili Wamena / BS photo

Wamena, SOUND MAMBESAK _Suspected combined police and soldiers from Battalion Wim Ane Silih Wamena, with fixtures and panoply Walking Parade in Wamena town doing a military parade by using the tools of war, where they are around the city of Wamena, Friday (04/01/2016)

According to reports, the Military Indonsia been doing parade in public, with the aim of terror native Papuans in the region. So that indigenous peoples fear and panic. This parade they did all afternoon in the town of Wamena, Papua. In this military parade, they use all the roads in the city of Wamena and Indonesia Army troops lined the road in four rows. It is civil society assume in that area there is a war, and they fear incredible.

The report also to the world of International meyampaikan that help monitor the situation that we are facing this indigenous Papuans (Kata Activis HAM Wamena B.S) which released the report to the Human Rights Defender of Wamena in Papua, Friday (01/03/2016) to be meninjak up.

Activis HAM Wamena also reported that indigenous Papuans in the interior of Papua is not safe, because the presence of the Indonesian security forces in large numbers. And the arrogance of the Indonesian Security Forces so overdone, so our original person is not free and always live in fear.
According to the report also said that the army and police alert and on guard at every street in the city of Wamena armed, so that the indigenous people of Papua are not going out because of fear.

The statement in the report, this thing we experience every day in Wamena, therefore we hope and request that there should be concern by the public community and especially by international humanitarian work and more specifically by the United Nations.

People in Wamena also said, Seeing such conditions, then we Papuans strongly urged the United Nations to immediately degree referendum in West Papua Merdeka and so we live freely over our country.
They also claim, Indonesian Security Forces Parade in Wamena, Papua Papuan Peoples Nuance Terror. (AN)

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