Catching KNPB activists in front of the Parliament, Numbay, Jayapura / foto2 Ones Sunihap |
KNPB JAYAPURA SOUND Mambesak _ Numbay News, Reported arrests of 11 activists KNPB Numbay at DPRP office page by Jayapura Police Police in Jayapura, (04/13/2016) The arrest occurred at 10:48 WP in the city of Jayapura.
At 10:42 WP. time to enter the page DPRP Papua province, then at 10:48 peaceful demonstrations on KNPB member Numbay did dissolved by approximately 40 members of the police and the members of the combined forces.
Also KNPB Numbay Report foreclosure carried out by the police in a peaceful demonstration the police confiscated banners, flags KNPB, seized five pieces of HP, 5 flag KNPB, 1 mega Pone, 2 banners and a number of pamphlets.
KNPB Numbay released KNPB members Numbay area below and detained in Jayapura City Police and please advocacy.
The names of members are on hold as follows.
1.JIMMY BOROWAY (Chair 1 KNPB Numbay)
2.REGINA WENDA (Secretary KNPB Numbay region)
3.RIBKA Komba (Treasurer KNPB Numbay)
4.ANIS.M .W (Chief Security Commissariat)
6.GIDION Adii (Member)
8.OBAYA Balingga (Member)
9.SEAN Balingga (Member)
10.KALENG (Member)
11.EPHY WENDA (Member).
Lap. KNPB Numbay crew.
11 Numbay KNPB activists who were arrested in the DPRP office page while being in Jayapura city police station. (AN / 05)
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