Bandung SOUND Mambesak _ Nation has and is gone, but I still was far across the breadth of the seas mourn them in solitude because my brothers are gone. The man's death is the death of the nation of Papua west deliberately created by the colonial state, their departure is due to the brutal acts of militarism because they do not see where the mistakes professionally.
Just kill that is on the shoulders of the state militarism Militarism colony Indonesia through to kill rape, colonize and rob people of Papua in the country West Papua.
Our nation was submerged in west Papua tears of blood because of human West Papua have gone here, I live here like a chicken without a parent that I do when humans Nation west Papua are at my side. However it was not a challenge to be silent here.
Let's fight for our nation than we save for the future. enjoy life and the gift of life that we will actually enjoy after we separate ourselves from colonialism and capitalism in our country in West Papua.
Just like the cries of our country in covered, blessed in the light of the sun. our people die because of killed by the sword, when we were still across the vast ocean of wandering in the middle of the nation rejoiced at the center of the colony land
They smile at the days of pleasure, while the day-to-day running of the country I left sad impressions. Death of my race, here I am still alive when prosperous, peaceful, this is the reality that is being developed at this time.
Accusation without a clear statement, a crime that was planned by the heads of snakes naked eyes, the tragedy was not melodic music. Very sad most days I just always listening to the departure of Papuans by the assassination of militarism.
When I was in the fun in downtown colony who did not want me to live longer, we just want to separate themselves from colonialism because the behavior and actions which would then destroy the Nation West Papua later.
West Papua Nations Must Break Away From Colonialism Indonesia.
By. Simion Kotouki
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