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31 Bullets Found In Body 4 Victims of Shooting in LP Cebongan, Sleman

Posted by : DADI WODE/DIMI MENETE on : Minggu, 06 Maret 2016 0 comments
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SLEMAN Mambesak voice, - Investigators Yogyakarta Regional Police found 31 bullet in the body of the four victims of the shooting at the Correctional Institution Cebongan, Sleman, Saturday, March 23, 2013. Today, dozens of bullets were being studied forensic laboratory.
Launched Tempo, DIY Police Chief Brigadier General Sabar Rahardjo said it is currently evaluating the investigative steps. Investigators are also still researching the types of bullets and weapons used by the perpetrator. "Any findings, yet we can pass so as not to obscure the investigation," said Patience, Sunday, March 24, 2013. "Investigators also need to do scientific research."
Matter who the alleged perpetrators of the massacre of four detainees, Patience also do not know. He only promised to open it to the public, when it is actually knowing who the shooter was.
Four inmates of the shooting victim was Hendrik Angel Sahetapi alias Deki, Adrianus Candra Galaga, John Juan Mambait, Gameliel Yermiayanto Riwu Rohi. They died in a cell after diberendong bullets by the group of men.
Provisional estimates, the shooting was committed by members of the Army Special Forces Command. And the motive was revenge for the death of members of Kopassus, Sergeant Santoso, on Tuesday, March 19, 2013. Santoso died at the hands of the four prisoners LP Sleman in Hugo's Cafe, Jalan Adisucipto Km 8.5 Maguwoharjo, Sleman. (*)

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