sound Mambesak (Jayapura) _Hingga today, there are still 12,659 backward villages which receive electricity from the network access Perusahaan Listrik Negara (PLN).
Even terlistriki 2,519 villages are not at all. These villages are mostly in the province of Papua in eastern Indonesia and others.
In the province of Papua and West Papua have 18 counties that did not reached by electricity, which is in the Mountain Star, Tolikara, Local, Puncak Jaya, Lanny Jaya, Mamberamo Raya, Central Mamberamo, Puncak, allegedly, Intan Jaya, Yalimo, Supiori , Paniai, Dogiyai, Deiyai, Wondama bay, Tambraw, and Maybrat. PIT will be implemented this year, starting from the eastern part of Indonesia, with attempts to electrify 10,300 villages by the end of 2019.
"Electrify villages lagged far away and scattered outposts state requires a specific approach. These villages are hard to reach because of challenging ordinary modes of transport in terms of geography and transportation infrastructure are not sufficient.
The average population density is slightly low. The implication, developing the electricity network is very expensive and make economic calculations PLN to lose. The government needs to give special attention to people in poor villages so that they could be served electricity. Without policies and actions in favor, these villages have access to electricity suitable impossible target that was announced, "said Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources, Sudirman Said cites affidavits.
Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) will launch the Indonesian Program Light (PIT) in order to meet the target of increasing national electrification ratio from 85 percent in 2015 to 97 percent in 2019.
PIT is also part of the government's target of providing access for the people of Indonesia illumination evenly through the construction of 35,000 MW. (Wool / hls)
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